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Frequently Asked Questions: Supports For Gambling Addicts

Gambling Supports FAQs

We’ve pulled together some gambling supports FAQs so you can be fully informed on what kind of help is out there.

Whether you’re looking for yourself or researching on behalf of a loved one, rest assured that there is a lot of different types of help out there. It takes time to overcome gambling addiction, but with the right support, you can do it.

Gambling supports FAQs for addicts

Where do I start looking for help?

A great starting point when you are coming to terms with your addiction is to reach out to the National Council of Problem Gambling. This United States based organization has plenty of resources, as well as a phone line where you can talk directly to someone about what you might need. They’ve also got lots of contact details for different organizations and places you can seek help to overcome your addiction.

How can I find other people like me?

There are so many different ways you can find other people who are striving to quit gambling, just like you. Sometimes it’s very comforting to know you’re not alone. On the internet, you’ll be able to find dozens of chat rooms and forums full of people sharing tips and advice.

Another great way to get help is by seeking out Gamblers Anonymous meetings in your local area. This way, you can meet in person to talk through your experiences in a non-judgemental and anonymous environment.

What if I want to talk to a professional about my gambling addiction?

At the other end of the spectrum, you can also talk to professionals about your gambling problem. They can help you to work through your addiction on many different levels and, crucially, give you coping mechanisms so you don’t slip back into old habits.

There are lots of different types of one-on-one professional support for gambling addiction, including cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Sometimes it takes a while to find the exact type of therapy that suits you. But once you find a therapist you can trust, it can be invaluable to helping you overcome your addiction.

Is it worth going into a treatment center for addiction?

Addiction treatment centers give people a great fighting chance of overcoming their addiction. It doesn’t work for everyone, and sometimes it takes a few different times, but these multi-disciplinary environments can help snap you out of bad habits. You can spend weeks or months there, really breaking down your addiction and challenging your behaviors. They are a brilliant resource for people struggling with addiction.

What if loved ones of addicts need support too?

Dealing with a loved one’s addiction can be extremely hard. You too might benefit from attending support groups and therapy sessions in order to deal with what’s happening. Find out some more about what you can do for yourself in this article.

More responsible gambling articles

We’ve written extensively on the topic of responsible gambling. Here are some more articles that might interest you:

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